Painful Productivity: A Guide to Avoiding Toxic Coaches
This is the annotated version of my April Fool’s post, Painful Productivity. I’ll break down the toxic patterns I see in the coaching industry to help you spot them.
Are you wasting your life away in your mom’s basement because you’re too lazy to follow through on anything?
Toxic coaches judge your pain points. Good coaches empathize with them.
If you don’t get out soon, you’ll never be able to catch up! You’ll die alone!
Toxic coaches stoke fear by pretending they can tell the future.
Are you willing to settle for that?
They ask leading questions to prime you to agree to with them.
You need to get your life together. You could try to buckle down, but who are you kidding? You’ll fail. You need to hire a coach if you’re going to stand a chance.
Toxic coaches claim that you need a coach to succeed. Good ones know they’re just one option.