Jess Discovers What’s Stopping Her From Writing
Case Study: A single session on motivation
Recently I worked with Jess, who wanted to start writing but was having trouble getting herself to do it. She told me at the beginning of the session that it was hard for her to get motivated, because she was already feeling fulfilled in the short term through her favorite hobby. In the long term, she knew she wanted to write, but she figured that she was just too content to feel the motivation for it!
Conflict gives way to confidence
As we moved into parts work, she found that one part of her wanted to live in the moment, and another part of her wanted her to do meaningful work that would pay off in the future. Though these parts were at odds with each other, we realized that both of them wanted her to “make the most of life,” but in different ways. As she saw that they had the same goal, and came to understand their points of view, they relaxed.
This relaxation gave way to a strong, sturdy sense of confidence that seemed to be just what she needed. She said “I’ve got this,” and felt energized to pursue her writing.
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